Books and Literature

Quality Management, Organization, and Strategy

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SKU: ISBN -10: 0-538-4693
SKU ID: 35511
Category : Books and Stationery->Books and Literature

Quality Management, Organization, and Strategy

Product Details
Binding- Paperback
Publisher- Cengage Learning, Inc
Genre- Business & Economics
ISBN- 9780538469371, 9780538469371
Pages-  480

Delivering cutting-edge coverage that includes the latest thinking and practices from the field, "Quality Management, Organization, and Strategy, 6e, International Edition" presents the basic principles and tools associated with quality and performance excellence using relevant, real-world illustrations and examples. The text thoroughly illustrates how these basic principles and methods have been put into effect in a variety of organizations. It also illustrates the relationship between basic principles and the popular theories and models studied in management courses. Excellent case studies focus on large and small companies in manufacturing and service industries in North and South America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

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